Evacuation and clearance of a illegal roadside shops by Corporation commissioner. Corporation commissioner of fielding himself


Evacuation and clearance of a illegal roadside shops bycoroporation commissioner. Corporation commissioner of fielding himself
Kalaburagi, Oct. 3:Corporationl Commissioner Snehal Lokhande had to l giveeave himself to clear the footpath occupied by shop fronts on the sidewalk.
“Luggage and shop promotion boards were cleared in front of main street shops and fines were imposed on shops without a business license.
“Deputy Commissioner of Municipal Affairs R.P. Jadhav, Zonal Commissioner & Health Officer Dr. Vinod and Archaeologist Revenue Inspectors and staff, including Vinodakumar, were involved in the evacuation campaign.
“Clearing this type of encroachment on a single day is not enough; the roadside blocking clearance will only allow the public to walk on footpaths if the respective revenue prospects visit the respective areas.


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